Wednesday 20 July 2011

Fresh faced and charmed

Today was motivate the new students day.
Today was be all that you can be day.
Today was dress up sit up straight and eat you dinner day.
Today was don't my mistakes day.
I had a child today and put it in a trash can.

Induction days are always fun, lots of new faces all eager to learn, eyes wide, hair brushed, newly cleaned teeth held behind mouths held tightly shut by the fear of saying something to strong and standing out.

Any questions?  No? You are all very quiet?

Thank god no ice breaker questions were employed. All the Coal power stations in the world could produce enough climate change to break these people down. I think we could have executed half of them without the others uttering a word if it had been in the well oiled timetable.

I don't blame them for their shyness, their flocking nature is only human. I do however hate them for it. I hate them as given this silence, being presented with this conformity this blandness this forced politeness. I am compelled to behave like a complete and utter twat. I become loud, argumentative, extrovert and above all arrogant.

Other people make me an awful human being  but I wonder if they noticed?